Mastering Business Continuity with Preparis

Jul 15, 2024
As we close the first half of 2024, and look forward to the remainder of the year, we are seeing more dramatic disasters than ever before.

So far this year, the United States has experienced 11 confirmed weather and climate disaster events, each causing losses exceeding $1 billion, putting us on pace to double the previous years’ billion-dollar disasters. Additionally, the cost of reported cybercrime in the U.S. jumped 22% last year to more than $12.5 billion, averaging roughly $4.45 million per incident.

As business disruptions are on the rise, business continuity has evolved beyond a mere plan; it now encompasses strategies to safeguard your organization’s future and reputation. Regulatory requirements around business continuity planning and testing are increasing.  

Preparis is here to help navigate the changing business climate. Effective business continuity planning involves identifying potential risks, developing robust response strategies, and ensuring that all stakeholders are prepared to act swiftly in the face of disruptions. This proactive approach not only minimizes downtime and financial losses, but also helps maintain customer trust and operational integrity.

By integrating comprehensive risk assessments, regular training, and continuous improvement into your business continuity framework, your organization can navigate challenges more resiliently.  

Free Resources to Help You Master Business Continuity 

We are here to help your organization, whether you are just getting started or taking your program to the next level, with useful resources to master business continuity, including:  

  • Tabletop Exercises - Library of exercises to test your business continuity plan against realistic scenarios 


  • Risk Assessment - Step-by-step guide to identify and analyze potential risks to your organization 

  • Business Continuity - Utilize the checklist to keep fundamental processes operational during disasters 

Beyond Resources: How Preparis Can Help 

Many organizations like yours understand the importance of business continuity, but struggle prioritizing it.  

Beyond our resources, we have developed a full suite of purpose-built software solutions to speed up planning, testing, and alerting, all in one platform, so you can focus on growing your organization while our software can help you handle business continuity. 

  • Sample Tabletop Templates, and Free Team Training - Customized tabletop exercises and training sessions led by our team of expert consultants allowing you to practice responding in a safe and controlled environment. 

  • Embedded Risk Assessment Functionality - Preparis enables organizations to conduct thorough risk assessments specific to a variety of potential disruptions, identifying vulnerabilities and exposures that could impact business operations. 

  • Simplified Business Impact Analysis – Use a self-guided workflow to produce, track, and report on risk assessments for availability, IT, and 3rd parties. Allow the data to define your recovery strategies and controls, establishing the foundation for building the rest of your continuity plan. 

  • Integrated Alerting System, Bi-Directional to All Devices - Quickly send alerts and notifications to employees, stakeholders, and relevant authorities via multiple channels such as email, SMS, and voice messaging using predefined communication templates and contact lists. 

  • Test and Exercise Functionality - Baked right in, to meet audit requirements and to help identify gaps in your program 

  • Incident Management and Tracking – Put your plan into action or test your plans in safe mode before an incident, coordinate response efforts, track incident status, assign tasks to response teams during critical events, and implement recovery plans and procedures to restore operations quickly. 

The entire Preparis team is here to support your organization in navigating the changing business climate and give you simple tools to master business continuity. Feel free to schedule a meeting with us or [email protected].  

Jon Bahl 
CEO, Preparis 

Jon Bahl Agility Recovery

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