Request Your Free Demo Today

Get a personalized demo to see why IT professionals, CISO’s, and BC/DR directors love our all-in-one suite for IT Disaster Recovery.

Fill out the form for a free demo and receive:

  • An email from our specialist to discuss your IT disaster recovery goals

  • A tailor-made presentation from one of our experts

  • Recommendations on how to take advantage of Preparis’ IT disaster recovery software to benefit your organization. Utilize a guided workflow to build and update your IT/DR plan, leverage expert-built templates, and import and update vendor and technology data from one central platform.

Build and Update Your IT Disaster Recovery Plan on the Preparis Platform

Open Configuration Options

Import and update your vendor & technology data. Easily update technologies, RPOs, tiers, and vendors using bulk uploads to the Preparis platform.

Expert-Built Templates

Get to your compliant plans faster by leveraging our expert-built, out-of-the-box IT/DR templates.

Customizable IT/DR Plans

Leverage Plan Builder for easy, drag-and-drop updates to your IT/DR plan templates.

Guided Workflows

Follow step-by-step workflows for IT/DR program managers and technology owners to select technologies and build recovery plans.

Dashboard and Reports

Easily keep your IT/DR planning program on track by monitoring progress, resolving issues, and finding and managing gaps between business needs and recovery capabilities.

Prioritize Critical Systems

Import technologies and applications with defined tiers. Review critical process dependencies and needed RTOs for technologies.


Building our plans in Preparis is exactly as easy as we expected it to be. Preparis simplifies IT/DR planning by combining all of our needs under one umbrella

Director of BC/DR Insurance Company

Get Your Free IT Disaster Recovery Demo Today!

The entire Preparis team is ready to support your organization in addressing threats to your information technology. Request a demo today.