
How to Plan and Execute Effective Business Continuity Trainings and Tabletop Exercises

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In a recent survey, we found that 82% of organizations have made changes to their business continuity plans since the onset of COVID-19, but 40% of organizations have not trained employees or tested their plans since updating them. Don’t assume your employees will know what to do. Lack of training only adds to the chaos during an incident. 

The best way to eliminate threats and impacts to your business is to make sure your employees are prepared. Define clear roles and responsibilities, and then test those plans collectively to make sure they hold true if an incident were to occur.

Watch now for a webinar that will guide you through training and tabletop exercise best practices. We’ll go over:

  • Business continuity planning overview 
  • Types of training and testing exercises 
  • How to run an effective tabletop 
  • Q&A session