Exercising Your Plans with Exercise Manager

Nov 1, 2022
Danya Strait
Exercising your business continuity plans can be daunting, but with Exercise Manager, a feature included with Preparis Incident Manager, it doesn’t have to be.

Exercise Manager provides an intuitive, streamlined method to easily plan and schedule exercises all in one place. Safely go through incident processes, meet key regulatory requirements, and produce audit reports as you test your plans and build muscle memory within your organization.


Exercise Manager Dashboard

Quickly view a clear and graphical dashboard that radiates critical status information and process issues that were discovered during the exercise.

The dashboard is a holistic view of your entire exercise. How much of your business was recovered? Did recoveries meet recovery time objectives (RTOs)? What issues did your organization run into?

Exercise Roadmap

Exercise Manager Exercise Roadmap

Easily add plans to your roadmap with a few clicks and a detailed scenario-building tool. View past, current, and upcoming exercises with the click of a button.


Live Scenarios

Exercise Manager Live Scenarios

Load and modify predefined scenario templates or create new custom scenarios for realistic exercises to engage your team.

Once you launch your scenario, you will move into Incident Manager but in exercise mode, denoted by a green frame around your screen. This allows you to walk through the entire process: Read out details from your business continuity plan, simulate launching conference calls and sending out communications, and more.

Retrospective and Executive Summary

Exercise Manager Retrospectives

Capture key takeaways and executive summary information right in the system. Log notes on which new actions to take in a real interruption, which to stop, and which to continue. Any issues logged are automatically added to your executive summary.

Once the exercise is complete, go back into the log of completed exercises at a later date and review the retrospective and reports. What plans were activated? What issues arose? What communications were sent out?

After-Action and Audit Reports

Exercise Manager Reports

Generate audit-ready exercise, incident, and issue-tracking reports to fulfill regulatory requirements and guidelines posed by the FFIEC, ISO, and more.


Learn More

Ready to find out how Exercise Manager can make business continuity exercises easier and help you meet regulatory requirements? Reach out to us today for a free demo.

Exercise Your Plan

Build muscle memory, reveal gaps, and produce audit-ready reports with Incident Manager's Exercise Manager module.