
Ensuring Employee Security and Safety While Offsite: Understanding Your Duty of Care

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Join us in partnership with Risk Solutions International (RSI) for this webinar to ensure a safer and more secure offsite work environment for your employees!

As remote and offsite work arrangements become more common, organizations must uphold their duty of care to ensure employee security and safety outside traditional office environments. This webinar will offer a comprehensive overview of duty of care obligations, risk assessment strategies, proactive safety measures, and effective crisis management for employees working offsite.


What We’ll Cover:

  • Understanding duty of care in offsite work environments
  • Identifying and assessing security hazards and risks
  • Safety measures employers should be taking
  • Incident response and crisis management

You’ll Walk Away with:

  • A clear understanding of an employer’s duty of care for offsite employees
  • Practical methods for risk assessment and mitigation
  • Strategies to proactively enhance employee safety
  • Effective incident response protocols and crisis management planning


This session is designed for GRC, HR professionals, and anyone interested in corporate operations and risk management.

Register now!

Preparis x RSI