Oct 15, 2024 12:00PM - 1:00PM MDT

Strengthening Business Resilience: Integrating Cybersecurity and IT Disaster Recovery

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Cybersecurity and IT disaster recovery are closely linked, both working to protect data and maintain business continuity.

Integrating these plans creates a comprehensive approach to managing cyber and physical threats, ensuring preparedness for disruptions from attacks or disasters.

Here are some ways in which they go hand in hand:

  • Integrated Risk Management: Cybersecurity threats, such as data breaches and ransomware attacks, are significant risks that need to be managed within an organization's overall risk management strategy
  • Data Protection and Recovery: Cybersecurity measures protect data from unauthorized access and breaches, while disaster recovery plans ensure that data can be restored in the event of a loss
  • Incident Response and Recovery: A cybersecurity disaster recovery plan includes incident response procedures that help contain and mitigate the impact of cyberattacks
  • Regulatory Compliance: Both Cyber and DR are essential for meeting requirements related to data and protection of privacy. Having a plan adheres to these regulations and avoids penalties

By aligning cybersecurity with disaster recovery, organizations can boost resilience, minimize downtime, and protect their reputation.